Names of Entities Consolidated
Extent of Consolidation
Rationale for Consolidation
Bharti Hexacom Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Nxtra Data Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
SmarTx Services Limited (upto November 18, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Telesonic Networks Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Digital Limited (formerly known as Wynk Limited)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Limited (Incorporated w.e.f. March 16, 2021)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Telemedia Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Indus Towers Limited (Formerly known as Bharti Infratel Limited) (upto November 18, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Nettle Infrastructure Investments Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Services Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel International LLP
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Indo Teleports Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Congo RDC Towers S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Gabon Towers S.A. #
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Madagascar Towers S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Malawi Towers Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Tanzania Towers Limited #
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Africa Towers N.V. (Liquidated w.e.f. December 31, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Africa Mauritius Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Africa Plc
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Nigeria B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Seychelles) B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Congo B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Kenya B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Madagascar B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Malawi B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Rwanda B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Tchad B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Uganda B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Zambia B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Africa B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Chad Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Congo Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Developers Forum Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Holding (Mauritius) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Overseas (Mauritius) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Gabon Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel International (Mauritius) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Kenya B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Kenya Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Madagascar Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Malawi Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Mali Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Niger Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Nigeria B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Nigeria Holdings II B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel RDC Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Rwanda Holdings Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Services B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Tanzania B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Uganda Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Zambia Holdings B.V.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Celtel (Mauritius) Holdings Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Channel Sea Management Company (Mauritius) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Indian Ocean Telecom Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Montana International
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Partnership Investments Sarl
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Société Malgache de Téléphone Cellulaire S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel International (Mauritius) Investments Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce DRC B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Gabon B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Niger B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Digital Services Holdings B.V. (incorporated on November 12, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Kenya) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Seychelles) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Tanzania) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Malawi) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Madagascar S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Rwanda) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Tchad S.A (formerly known as Airtel Mobile
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Commerce Tchad S.a.r.l.)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Uganda Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce Zambia Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money (RDC) S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money Niger S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money S.A. (Gabon)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money Transfer Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Mobile Commerce Congo S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money Tanzania Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Mobile Commerce (Nigeria) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Money Kenya Limited (incorporated on June 29, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Network i2i Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Network I2I (Kenya) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Network i2i (UK) Limited (incorporated w.e.f. May 19, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel (Seychelles) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Congo (RDC) S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Congo S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Gabon S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Madagascar S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Malawi Plc
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Networks Kenya Limited @
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Networks Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Rwanda Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Tanzania plc
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Tchad S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Uganda Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel (France) SAS
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel (Hong Kong) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel (Japan) Private Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel (UK) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel (USA) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti Airtel Lanka (Private) Limited
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Bharti International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Celtel Niger S.A.
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Networks Zambia Plc
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Airtel Africa Services (UK) Limited (incorporated on November 2, 2020)
Fully consolidated
Strong financial and business linkages
Seynse Technologies Private Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Airtel Payments Bank Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Juggernaut Books Private Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Seychelles Cable Systems Company Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Robi Axiata Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
RedDot Digital Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Indus Towers Limited (upto November 18, 2020)
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Indus Towers Limited (Formerly known as Bharti Infratel Limited) (w.e.f. November 19, 2020)
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
FireFly Networks Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Bridge Mobile Pte Limited
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation
Bharti Airtel Ghana Holdings B.V.
Equity method
Proportionate consolidation